Week of Nov 11th
Game Day Community Event - Canasta 10:00 amBMK Community CenterOpen to all community members, no reservation required.Game Day Community Event - Mah Jong 1:00 pmBMK Community CenterOpen to all community members, no reservation required.Game Day Community Event - Mah Jong 1:00 pmBMK Community CenterOpen to all community members, no reservation required.Beautification Committee mtg 6:00 pm - 7:00 pmBMK Community CenterOpen to all Bel Marin Keys Residents, please arrive early so that the meeting can start on time. -
Men’s Club Lunch 10:00 amBMK Community CenterOpen to Men's Club Members and their guests. If you would like to attend as a guest or inquire about membership contact Ernie Ganas, President, 415-794-4150 -
Yacht Club - BOD Meeting 6:00 pm - 7:00 pmBMK Community CenterOpen to current Yacht Club members. -
Private Event 4:00 pm - 10:00 pmBMK Community Center